Friday 18 December 2015

have pretty presents this Christmas

I have a confession. I am a bit of a wrapping paper nut. Most people don't understand, but those who do (like my mom...from whom I got this addiction), know that the only thing better than a thoughtful gift is a beautifully wrapped, thoughtful gift. It's been a busy season with a new baby at home, but that wasn't going to stop me from wrapping each and every present I bought, nor taking meticulous care as I wrap. With the exception of Gemma's gifts of course -- she's going to annihilate whatever her toys are wrapped in.

With Christmas exactly one week away (wow. panic. breathe. you got this.) I thought I'd share a few simple things to make your gifts so pretty you'll cry when they are unwrapped.

#1 - Choose a colour scheme and go with it. This year I've done black, gold, silver and craft paper. I love the combination of all out glitzy paper paired with the rustic look. When you stick to a unified scheme your tree looks oh so pretty. Bonus points if you coordinate the wrap with your tree's decor theme! (yes I do this. again, I blame my nuttiness on my mom entirely)

My favourite places for paper (I always buy at the end of season for next year) include:
- Homesense (of course)
- Target (RIP)
- Ikea (at the end of the marketplace area)
- Walmart (hard to believe, but yes)
- Chapters (end of season or else you have to mortgage your home to afford it)
- Pier One (also, end of season)

 #2 - Skip the ribbon. Ok, I love curling ribbon. But there are alternatives including decorative tape (which I didn't do this year) and twine. You can purchase twine at the dollar store, but I got a three pack of black, white and brown at Ikea this year and I have been loving interchanging them. I just love the simplicity of a twine shoe-string bow.

#3 - Don't forget the tag. Don't wrap the most beautiful gift and attach a tacky tag to it. Stores like Homesense, Ikea and even Wal-mart have some really pretty tags. Again, follow your colour scheme. My mom actually prints her own tags on clear labels so that she doesn't have to write out everyone's names multiple times -- brilliant I tell ya.

#4 - Add a little pizzaz. Sometimes I tie a Christmas ornament to the ribbon to make the gift just a little more beautiful. Plus it serves as another little gift to the recipient. This star ornament I got for dirt cheap, literally, at Canadian Tire this year. Yes, CANADIAN TIRE. Proof you can be cheap and classy all at once.

#5 - Take your time. Don't rush ladies. Make a big cup of tea and set out a plate of cookies and then wrap with care. Treat these babies with respect.

Now, if you do all these things, prepare to cry a little on the inside on Christmas day when all your hard work gets thrown in the trash. So put those puppies under the tree ASAP and snap a photo so you remember how lovely those presents once looked.

To having the merriest of Christmases...from me to you,

♥ Dion

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