Saturday 24 January 2015

Creating an Enriching Environment: Ba Ba Black Sheep

Gemma’s favourite diaper changing song is ‘Ba Ba Black Sheep’; hardly a day goes by when she doesn’t want me to sing it to her or that I don’t hear her serenading it to her dollies. So when some friends offered to take us to their parents’ sheep farm to meet the new baby lambs, we jumped on the opportunity.

One of the best things about having a two-year old is seeing her face light up at every new experience. And as her parent, I want to make each day meaningful, encouraging her enthusiasm to learn and fully live life! Today was one of those really special days.

At the farm Gemma got to pet the little lambs and see lambs that were not even an hour old! She told us later that she liked how the sheep were “fluffy”! I didn’t even know she had that word in her vocabulary! With toddlers its easy to underestimate what they pick up by osmosis -- all the more reason to enrich their environments whenever possible!

If you’re looking for a similar activity to do with your kids, check out Fort Saskatchewan’s internationally acclaimed sheep grazing program. Our town has a flock of sheep who graze in the city’s parks each summer, keeping the grass trim. It’s always a highlight, bringing in families from all around to watch and interact with these fluffy guys! Click here for more information.

To little lambs and a little lady,


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