Saturday 12 July 2014

Summer. Toddler. Fun. - St. Albert Market

I am starting a new series of blog posts on fun, affordable and toddler-friendly activities to do with your little ones this summer. Matt and I decided that this summer we would simplify our lives by ‘staycationing’ and explore all that Edmonton and area has to offer.

Today I took Gemma on a mother-daughter date to the St. Albert market. I’d heard a lot of great things about this market from family and friends but had never made the trek out there. As soon as we got there, I was filled with regret – regret that I hadn’t gone sooner!

The market is good sized and has excellent variety in vendors. The produce looks truly beautiful. Many of the growers are familiar to me since I order most of my produce through the Organic Box, so although we only came home with a cucumber and some tzatziki (thank you internet dictionary for helping spell that), I’m confident it all tastes as good as it looks.

Despite the really hot weather today Gemma seemed to have a good time. She sat happily in her stroller for quite a while, soaking up the rays (with 60 SPF) and people watching. The vendors were very generous with the samples -- she enjoyed trying out all the dips, cookies and berries at each station. I owe thanks to all those samples to keeping her happy in her stroller for so long. Parents know that food = entertainment, and I was glad she stayed entertained so I could SHOP.

Some of the particularly child-friendly aspects of the market are the bouncy castle and the balloon animal station. I gotta admit -- Gemma didn’t notice either, so we just strolled by, but I bet if we go next year she’ll be all over that. They also had a few outdoor pianos, one of which is a kids’ piano. Gemma enjoyed watching other kids ‘play’ the piano, but when it was her turn to tickle the ivories, a little stage fright kicked in. I got one picture at least!

To me, the most awesome thing is that there is a parking lot on site! As someone who can hardly park, let alone parallel park, street parking sends panic through my veins—especially with a toddler potentially crying in the backseat. It was easy finding a parking spot and I had plenty of room to comfortably take out the stroller and grab Gemma from the backseat, without being worried about being side-swiped. I am a tad paranoid.

There are a ton of vendors that specialize in children’s products, including teething rings, security blankets, taggie blankets, clothing, tutus, Frozen (the movie) themed apparel, and even baby cocoons. Not sure what those are for. I almost bought Gemma’s dolly a new wardrobe at the dolly clothing store— there is truly something for everyone and everything at the St. Albert Market. A fellow shopper looked at the clothes and said to me, “who’s baby is this small?” haha. She had no clue.

Some of our favourite food vendors included the popsicle lady at the far end of the market. Her popsicles are all natural (something this mama loves) and she even dips them in Lindor chocolate (something else this mama loves). Gemma has been cutting some teeth like crazy so this was the perfect treat for a hot teething day. But of course, one treat is never enough. We caved (I hold Gemma equally responsible) and had 4 bite sized stuffed brownies and blondies. They made this chocolate-lover’s day. When Gemma is really enjoying something she’s eating, she stuffs as much of it as she can in her cheeks and kind of just lets it sit there. She was doing that with these brownies. I had to cut her off so mommy could get some!

We left the market on a sugar high, which led to the inevitable afternoon energy crash. I timed this perfectly with nap-time. It’s 4:15 and Gemma is still napping. You see, a hot day at the market is just what every toddler and mommy needs.

To long summer days and long summer naps,
For information on all the Edmonton and areas farmer’s markets, here’s a map courtesy of Made Urban.
Link to full size map

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