Tuesday 11 August 2015

recipe: savory & sweet bacon cheddar & onion muffins

At 32 weeks pregnant I am still looking forward to that energy burst that comes in the "nesting" phase...but alas most days I waddle around the house attempting to keep up with my toddler and taking breaks to rest while my husband is still home on summer holidays. But when I do nest, it is almost always in the kitchen -- cooking or baking. Today I whipped up FOUR BATCHES of these savory (and a bit sweet) bacon, cheddar & green onion muffins that are always a hit in our home. The word muffin is a little misleading--these babies are more like a biscuit. They are so versatile -- they make a great breakfast when you are on the go, they hit the spot when you just need some carbs, and they pair perfectly with a bowl of warm soup. I've frozen most of them in preparation for baby's arrival in October. I know my husband appreciates breakfast options he can take in the car, especially when he's sleep deprived; and for this soon-to-be mama of two, I know I'll need quick breakfast items on hand to get me through the busy mornings.

savory & sweet bacon.cheddar.onion muffins
yields two dozen muffins

2 cups flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/4 cup fresh bacon bits (or to taste)
1/4 cup chopped green onions (or to taste)
1/4 cup vegetable/canola oil
1 cup buttermilk
1 egg

- Preheat oven to 425 degrees
- Sift together first 4 ingredients
- Stir in the grated cheese, bacon bits and green onion
- In a separate bowl beat oil, buttermilk, and egg, and pour into dry ingredients
- Stir to blend -- as always with muffins, do not overmix
- Fill muffin cups and bake

-If you want, in the last five minutes of baking time, top with some extra shredded cheese and return to the oven to finish baking.


A couple tips to save you time/energy/money:
- You can buy powdered buttermilk from your local bulk foods store and use that instead of buying fresh buttermilk each time. Don't forget to mix the powder with the right amount of water...is that obvious? I don't know. haha.
- Don't buy those dehydrated fake bacon bits from the grocery store. Instead use the real bacon bits that come in 100 gram bags at the store. These need to be refrigerated once open. I've never used freshly cooked bacon, but I'm sure that would be pretty delicious too. Just make sure the muffins don't get too greasy.

To trying to nest somewhat successfully,


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